
St. Petersburg Eye Doctor Serving Pinellas County

Eye Conditions: What is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia, more commonly referred to as farsightedness, is an eye condition that causes distant objects to appear clearer than closer objects. This condition is very common and is estimated to affect approximately 25 percent of the population.

Fortunately, hyperopic vision can be corrected by your optometrist with the use of glasses or contact lenses, among other options.

Farsightedness: Causes and Symptoms

Much like myopia, farsightedness, also known as hypermetropia, occurs when light entering the eye focuses behind the retina rather than on it, however in the case of hyperopia, this happens when the eyeball’s shape is shorter rather than elongated. Typically this means that you might see distant objects with greater clarity than near objects, but for individuals with more extensive hyperopia, objects can appear blurry at any distance, whether near or far.

Recognizing of Hyperopia

Hyperopia can affect children and adults. While genetic predisposition to hyperopia can increase your chances of encountering this condition, it is not uncommon for children born with hyperopia to outgrow the condition as they eyeball lengthens with normal growth. This is not always the case though. Sometimes older individuals confuse hyperopia with presbyopia because both conditions cause near vision problems, however presbyopia is caused by the aging of the eye rather than a change in the eye’s shape.

Aside from blurry near vision, common symptoms experienced by farsighted individuals include:

  • Squinting often
  • Feeling eye strain regularly
  • Experiencing frequent headaches
  • Feeling fatigued while reading or performing up-close tasks

Because the symptoms of hyperopia are different for everyone and will present to varying degrees, it’s important to visit your eye doctor to determine the cause of your vision problems.

Treating Hyperopia

Much like myopia, vision issues related to hyperopia are commonly addressed through the use of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. Depending on the corrective prescription required to restore clear vision, you may feel more comfortable using one method over the other, but it is common for many patients to use both methods.

Alternatively, refractive surgery such as LASIK may also be an option depending on your unique circumstances and preferences. During your visit, Dr. Ryczek can discuss your options to help you make the best choice possible for your vision needs.

To find out more about correcting nearsighted vision, call our St. Petersburg optometry office at 727-327-8855 to schedule an appointment with our experienced optometrist.
